Governor of Assiut meets with National Petroleum President to support hydrogen fracking complex project

Major General Essam Saad, Governor of Assiut, met with Engineer Mohammed Badr, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Assiut National Oil Processing Company (ANOPC), and his delegation, to discuss ways to support the project of the hydrogen fracking complex, which is being held on the land of the province and increase investments and expansions during the coming period, as part of the state plan for the development of Upper Egypt, where this came in the presence of Engineer Nasser El-Lakkany, director of the hydrogen fracking complex project.

During the meeting, the governor stressed the importance of establishing a hydrogen fracking complex project on the land of Assiut province, which is the largest oil refining project to be implemented in Upper Egypt at an investment cost of $2.8 billion and comes in support of the efforts and programs of the state development on the ground and is one of the most important refining projects underway during the current period and aims to maximize the utilization of the state resources by using the latest technologies to refining oil using the technology of hydrogen fracking for low-value diesel to convert it into petroleum products.

The main high value needed by the local market, mainly diesel with European specifications, high-octane fuel-oil and Natural Gas, the project achieves a distinct return in the field of development for the Upper Egypt region in terms of covering its needs of petroleum products and fuel supplies, as well as avoiding the safety and environmental risks associated with the transport of petroleum products to Upper Egypt through various means and will lead to the opening of various prospects for development and contribute to the benefit of complementary activities and services and contribute to the provision of jobs, especially for the people of the province.

Engineer Mohammed Badr, Chairman of the Board of Directors of “Anopc” reviewed the importance of the project and the rates and stages of implementation so far, pointing out that on the direction of Engineer Tariq El-Molla, Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, the companies implementing the hydrogen fracking complex project were coordinated to complete the work and fulfill the time program for implementation and work in parallel in the implementation of operations and continuous follow-up of the implementation stages, pointing out that the new project based on the land of Assiut province with a production capacity of 2.8 million tons per year of diesel specifications.

In addition to NAFTA used in the production of high-octane gasoline with an additional production capacity of 400,000 tons per year and natural Gas with an additional production capacity of 1,000 tons per year in addition to coal with a production capacity of 300,000 tons per year and Sulphur with a production capacity of 66,000 tons per year by-products as part of the program of the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources to develop the refining industry to ensure the needs of the local market for fuel supplies and work to reduce the quantities imported from abroad and reduce part of the bill Import fee for foreign exchange.

At the end of the meeting, Engineer Mohammed Badr, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Assiut National Oil Processing Company (Anopc) presented the company’s shield to the conservative minister due to his efforts and support for the oil sector projects.